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ZERO WASTE news and efforts Around-The-Globe Nothing is more 'zero waste' than the growing 'foraging movement'. I started The Wild Foodies of Philly in 2010 and it has proved very popular with almost 2,000 members! See:
ZWA news: http://www.zerowasteamerica.org/ZWANews.htm
Waste and Recycling News Sources: http://www.zerowasteamerica.org/WasteNews.htm
(ZWA does not endorse all efforts that claim "zero waste" as a matter of policy, for the same reason that not all recycling is good for the environment.)
ZERO WASTE NEWS: (for the latest news, get Google email alerts http://www.google.com/alerts?hl=en) For more 'zero waste' articles, see:
ZERO EMISSIONS - Considered the purest form of Zero Waste. Search "zero emissions" for more projects and organizations. - Zero Emissions Research Initiative (ZERI) October 14, 1998 the Secretary General of the UN, Mr Kofi Annan formally endorsed the concept of Zero Emissions and recognized the pioneering work in the field, especially in Africa. The ZERI Foundation has had a cooperative agreement with UNDP (UInited Nations Development Programme) since 1997, which has been recently reconfirmed in a new three year program. The collaboration with UNESCO has been confirmed since the establishment of the foundation. Since December 1998, this has been expanded to FAO (United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization). ZERI is not formally part of the UN system. Approximately half of their funding is from the UN, the rest is from governments and the private sector.
- Greenpeace: ZERO-EFFLUENT PULP AND PAPER PRODUCTION: The Pivotal Role of Totally Chlorine Free Bleaching
- The Air Car: http://www.gizmag.com/go/7000/
GOVERNMENT 'Zero Waste' EFFORTS: (crosscheck with news items above) - http://www.ZeroWasteEurope.eu/
- Hawaii, US: http://www.hawaiizerowaste.org/zero-waste
- Palo Alto, CA, US: http://www.cityofpaloalto.org/news/displaynews.asp?NewsID=452&TargetID=180 & http://www.cityofpaloalto.org/depts/pwd/recycle/default.asp
- Nova Scotia, Canada: Uses 'Disposal Bans' to require recycling and end disposal. http://www.gov.ns.ca/ (use search engine to locate information on "disposal bans"...lots of it.
- Christchurch, New Zealand: Adopted a management plan which commits the City Council to Zero Waste by 2020 (adopted August 1998). Toward Zero Waste (2006) http://resources.ccc.govt.nz/files/WasteManagementPlan2006-rubbishrecycling.pdf
- Western Australia - Zero Waste by 2020 http://wa.gov.au/ (search their website for "zero waste", lots of pages come up)
- Recycling council of British Columbia http://www.rcbc.bc.ca/education/zero-waste
- May 2008 (Buenos Aires, Argentina): In late 2005, the City Council in Buenos Aires, Argentina unanimously passed a law, “Integral Management Of Solid Urban Waste,” a Zero Waste law. http://www.jgpress.com/archives/_free/001659.html
ZERO WASTE Consultants:
SUSTAINABLE LIVING RESOURCES: In step with Zero Waste... - Rocky Mountain Institute "...an entrepreneurial, nonprofit organization that fosters the efficient and restorative use of resources to create a more secure, prosperous, and life-sustaining world."
- Natural Step is an approach (and organization) to sustaining human life on earth that follows four guiding principles: 1) the reduction of mining and fossil fuel use, 2) the elimination of man-made hazardous substances, 3) the protection of biodiversity and eco-systems, and 4) the fair and efficient use of resources.
- The Missing Dimension in Design "A simple brief to next design step by M H Jafri
- The World Wide Web Virtual Library - Sustainable Development